Merry Christmas and a happy new year because you are amazing. Every single one of you. You deserve the best possible lives and I can't express how much your support means to me!!
2016 has been an absolute whirlwind for me because there have been so many ups and downs. I've made best friends, got a boyfriend(!!) and got a GCSE, I've been to an amazing wedding, had a fabulous party and met my favourite rugby player. But there have also been lows. Friendship breakups, terrifying days, saddening days and gruelling days. However with the help of my best friends and family, they made me realise I could go on, even when I thought I couldn't and supported me with hard decisions and through hard times. Being able to fall back and talk to these people made me realise just how lucky I am. I have cried(with happiness!), laughed, joked and smiled because of them and I love them all so dearly. So thank you to all of you that have made this year that extra bit special and you mean the absolute world to me.
If you ever feel alone, there will always be one person that cares about you. Even if you don't realise it at first, somebody loves you. If you feel like there is nobody there, well I am. I care for every single one of you and I am always here. I will always try to help with your problems and help you fantastic people.
Please message me if you ever need somebody to talk to and I will answer as soon as possible.
Merry Christmas. I love you all soo much. Relax and enjoy your festive period and remember YOU ARE ALL IMPORTANT.
Ebonydaylightt x x x x
Instagram: @ebonydaylightt