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Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Tips for exam students!

hey guys!
In May/June, I sat my GCSEs. It was the most stressful experience of my life, however, I followed some rules that I set myself during my mocks, so I hereby pass on my (slightly dubious) wisdom, follow if you wish and you may be less stressed, however *DISCLAIMER* it may not work for all.
anyways, here are my tips to not being stressed during GCSEs!
1. Before you start revising, draw up what you want to revise that hour/day/week- then try to stick to that plan whilst doing so!
2.  Get yourself water/squash or herbal tea- preferably something that keeps you hydrated. This is essential for both your health and focus. keep drinking throughout your revision sessions, lessons and exams. This will result in you needing the loo more, but hydration is so crucial to staying healthy! also load up with healthy snacks-fruit, veg, crackers,with the occasional treat eg. i had a jaffa cake after i'd finished my day's revision.
3. Give yourself breaks during revision-if you don't do this, the revision that you do will go in one ear and out the other. the recommended time to revise is 40minutes to an hour. So give yourself time to walk around, away from your books, get a drink refill,go to the loo, talk to your parents about a silly video you saw on facebook, anything that isn't work for 5 minutes, then get back into the zone.
4.Don't revise all the time!- No person should spend their whole lives revising, because GCSEs are not the most important thing in the world! no matter what your teachers tell you! I'm sure you all have lives outside school, and you need to keep doing those things to stay sane, but don't spend all your time doing the other things!
5.PAMPER YO SELF!- for me this is very important because otherwise you'll just get ridiculously stressed. I had baths to pamper myself with a film or a tv show/ vlog in the background, as well as a bath bomb, bubbles, and a beverage. However you can do anything that relaxes you! I generally did this on the Sundays because it relaxed me before monday, because let's face it, Mondays suck!!
6.Make sure you've got everything ready the night before- especially your pencil case and bag for  notes. this ensures that all you have to do in the morning is wake up and get clothes on(shower if you're a morning showerer!)
7. Eat breakfast!- I know everyone says this, but it is vital. It keeps your energy up and (hopefully!) won't cause the awkward stomach rumble during your exam. It could also stop any nausea you are feeling in the morning. If you don't eat really early, take a cereal bar/piece of fruit with you. i also had calming pastilles and i really recommend them, so have one when you wake up and before you go into the exam.
8. DON'T TAKE YOUR NOTES/PHONE INTO THE EXAM!!!- someone almost took their notes in and they would've been disqualified if found. someone did take their phone in and it went off. they were disqualified from AQA exams for this season of exams. Taking a phone in is serious. please don't do it. You will regret it!

thank you for reading! I hope any mocks for GCSEs, ALevels or any other exams go well and I'll update very soon!
Lots of Love
Ebonydaylightt x x x x
insta: @ebonydaylightt